Assessment of eating behaviour in obese children of Bangor city
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Obesity is a major health problem for people living in the UK, and it currently affects many children. The objectives of this study is to assess the psychometric measures of eating behaviour associated with obesity in primary school-aged children in the city of Bangor (North Wales, UK). Across-sectional survey of children’s eating behaviours and their relationship to obesity was done in four primary schools in the city of Bangor (North Wales, UK).The study utilized the method of cross-sectional survey of Wales’s children’s eating behaviour in association with obesity using two groups of children aged 7–8 years and 10–11 years through four junior schools in Bangor. It was assessed using the Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) and body composition was estimated using BMIs. Total of 153 children 81 were boys and 72 were girls. The statistical analysis used is based on multiple regression analysis with the dependent or predicted variable being BMI and the independent or predictor variables being food responsiveness, emotional under eating and exercise.It was found that exercise was significant at p value< 0.042 and negatively associated with BMI, which means that there is a significant difference between exercise and BMI. Two behavioural characteristics derived from the CEBQ which are food responsiveness and emotional under-eating. This is statistically significant at p value <0.01 and positively associated with BMI, show that increase food responsiveness and emotional under-eating is different with increases of BMI.The psychometric measures of children’s eating styles obtained from CEBQ showed that exercise change as above, with BMI; that is children who were rated as having more exercise were more likely to have a lower BMI.
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